Relocation of two QTZ-125B
Dismantling and installation of two tower China cranes QTZ-125В were performed.
Having performed their task on the second stage of «Baltic Pearl construction», cranes acquired new «registration» - Malyi avenue at Basil Island. The need in load lifting technics at new object was so high, that it was necessary to perform installation works in tight time frames and «directly from wheels»! One of the cranes was dismantled by means of crane «Rental Units» with load capacity 200 tons and at 36 m outreach from building. Having extended on 72 meters boom of motorized crane by additional jib, crane operators by parts get out tower crane at stockpile site.
12.5 hours of mounting team work in silence and the crane was ready for dispatch.
Especial gratitude LLC «Gantry-Crane Service» manager expresses to mechanic Burmistrov А.Yu. and to team leader Teliukin М.А. for selfless labour and freshness of ideas at installation works at these objects!!! One of the heroic deeds - aiming to work against time, by hands and minds of these specialists they managed to perform quick march in build-up 12 sections of crane tower in a course of 8 hours!!! Briefly speaking: «hydraulic was boiling, hammers - ruined and wrenchs bended», but the stated task was fulfilled.
Thank you, guys!!!
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