Dismantling "Liebherr -132" in the center of Moscow
Team of techanics on installation was called at an object in Moscow for implementation of interesting cycle of mounting operations on dismantling tower crane Liebherr-132 belonging to LLC «Cibek». Crane was situated in the center of future business center site, at the distance of 44 m from motorized crane (lifting capacity 250 tones) parking!!!
Storm winds and snowstorms complicated preparatory works, and our guys were obliged to «retract» crane, making several hours intervals waiting for suitable weather. As a result, having lost one working shift from scheduled timetable, we were obliged to reduce time for the main part of dismantling by motorized crane without loss of quality performance and simultaneously being folded in narrow time frames permitted for crane operations in the center of Moscow city. To one of our mechanics came a brilliant, but adventurous plane: to perform dismantling, using prepared opportunity of tower crane rotation by cantilever into a building!!! Worked out in details, manifesting firmness, our guys started for its performance…….. And the problem was solved in non-standard manner and saving time constituted 6-7 hour. The last day of the works: crane dismantled and dispatched, constructors are glad, Customer is calm, the order is completed, conscience is unclouded, New 2015 year is coming!!! To all of you our wholehearted congratulations!
Happy New Year!!!
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