Tower crane

Tower cranes as a rule belong to building cranes of boom type. Boom of tower crane is fastened to rotating platform, secured to upper part of a tower. Tower cranes are used in construction and installation works for a long time and nowadays participate in construction virtually of each tall structure.

The main parts of tower crane are:

  1. Supporting frame with central ballast or anchor;
  2. Tower;
  3. Support-rotating platform with rotating mechanisms;
  4. Crane operator cabin with control devices;
  5. Cantilever jib with ballast and lifting mechanism;
  6. Boom with transfer mechanism of carriage trolley;

Tower cranes are differ by models and modifications and are selected by each construction company for own purposes. The main advantage of tower crane is high visibility from operator cabin, horizontal and vertical loads handling at high altitudes, simplicity of operation, ability to perform works at radius of 70 meters.


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